Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The more I keep it in, the pain grows even greater.
The more I try to open my heart, the more I close hers.
The more I try to not hurt her, I end up tormenting her even more.
The more I try to care, the more it seems I neglect her.
The more I think of losing her, I see her moving further and further away.

Hurting someone you care about is the worst feeling in the world.
It makes me sick to my stomach, it makes me want to scream, it makes me hate myself.
Knowing that there was a possibility to make it right, and the opportunity just passes me by.
I feel like the biggest jerk, I said I trusted you but I end up lying to you and myself.

But you're right. Besides your father or God, no one knows you better than I do. And no one has the right to judge our situation except us. Not our friends, not our families, and especially not just myself. We're suppose to be a team, and theres no "I" in it. Just you and me. And right now I'm being selfish and keeping it all to myself.
There's always two sides to one story, just like there are two people in a relationship.
Then why do I doubt myself? I know who you are, I know what you stand up for.
Why am I so afraid to lose you? I should be able to trust you in a blink of an eye, without even thinking twice.

I say to myself that I want to give everything to make it all better. But the more I care, the more it hurts. I'm falling harder and faster. But instead of falling into her arms, i'm falling to the ground because I can't even trust her to catch me...even if I know that she's there.